Infuse your oils with the energy of love and the gentle whispers of a garden in bloom with this simple Rose Petal Jojoba Infusion. This process allows you to capture the heart of the rose in a carrier oil - a delightful infusion that can be used alone or as a fragrant base for other blends.

Here's how to create this enchanting infusion:
- Fresh, unsprayed fragrant rose petals
- Jojoba oil or other carrier oil, such as olive oil
- Collect fresh, unsprayed fragrant rose petals. Ensure they are free from any pests or impurities.
- Lay the petals out to dry for a few days until they lose their initial moisture but still hold their fragrance.
- Lightly pack a clean, dry jar about 3/4 of the way with the dried rose petals.
- Pour in jojoba oil (or your chosen carrier oil) until the rose petals are completely covered.
- Close the jar and let it sit in a cool, dark location. Every day, gently shake the jar, ensuring all the petals are submerged in the oil. This allows the petals to infuse their essence into the oil.
- After two weeks, strain out the rose petals.
- For a deeper infusion, add a fresh batch of dried rose petals to the oil for a second infusion. Let it sit for another two weeks, continuing the daily shaking routine.
- Strain the oil one final time, and store it in a cool, dark location until ready to use.
This botanical infusion carries a soft and gentle rose energy, perfect for blends that aim to convey love and warmth. Use it to bring a comforting touch to your personal care regimen, or share it as a heartfelt gift to loved ones.
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