The Thriving Aromatherapist Membership Options

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  • First to know when membership opens
  • Occasional paid-member content access & previews
  • Occasional invites to Thrive Live events
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When is the membership program open?

Membership typically opens 1-2 times per year. The price increases slightly annually as we consistently add valuable content to enhance your experience. Once you become a premium member, your dues remain fixed—ensuring you benefit from all future updates without additional cost. Keep an eye out for our next enrollment period to secure your place in our thriving community!

What is The Thriving Aromatherapist all about?

The Thriving Aromatherapist is a membership community dedicated to advancing your practice of aromatherapy. We focus on deepening understanding and proficiency with essential oils through monthly deep dives into featured oils, live blending events, and expert-led content. This is ideal for anyone looking to use essential oils on a professional level.

I am not sure I am ready for Thrive, is it right for me?

If you’re passionate about exploring essential oils from an advanced angle, The Thriving Aromatherapist is designed just for you. We cater to individuals who are eager to deepen their knowledge and understanding of essential oils, whether you use them professionally or aspire to study them at a professional level.

Our goal is to nurture and support members who are serious about their aromatherapy journey. We provide a structured, expert-led environment where you can dive deeply into a single essential oil each month, explore its nuances, and learn advanced blending techniques. With key pillar pieces of content delivered weekly, you’ll gain insights that go beyond the basics, guided by industry thought leaders.

If you're ready to take your essential oil practice to the next level, Thrive is the perfect place to grow and excel. We look forward to helping you unlock the full potential of aromatherapy in a supportive and enriching community.

Can you show me an example of what might be published each month?

Articles roll out at 7 am ET on Tuesdays 

Here's an example:

Week 1: Inspire
Unlock the Secrets of Hops Essential Oil
Join us as we kick off the month by uncovering the calming and sedative properties of Hops. Discover how this essential oil can enhance your nighttime routine and transform your approach to relaxation and wellness. 

Week 2: Deepen
The Botanical Tale of Hops
Delve deeper into the history and cultivation of the Hops plant. Learn about its origins, traditional uses, and why it’s a staple in herbal and aromatherapy practices. We’ll explore the science behind its calming effects and how you can leverage these benefits to improve your daily life. 

Week 3: Implement
Essential Oil Practices for Everyday Wellness Advanced Usage
Ready to bring Hops into your daily life? This week, we’ll share exclusive DIY recipes and practical tips for using Hops essential oil to aid relaxation, manage stress, and improve sleep quality. Whether it’s through diffusion, topical application, or a relaxing bath, find out how to make the most of this versatile oil. 

Week 4: Succeed
Pathways to Personal Growth
This week, we will look into ways that aromatherapy can enhance your self-care growth while gearing up for success in various areas of your professional or personal practices. 

July 26 - Monthly recap quiz

LIVE Webinar: July 31st at 1:00 pm EST

Join us for an exclusive LIVE event that brings our July focus on Hops essential oil full circle. During this interactive session, attendees will: 

  • Make a blend to soothe muscle spasms featuring Hops essential oil
  • Learn essential oil substitutions for this blend based on 3 different scenarios

What if I join and realize it's not a fit? Can I cancel anytime?

Yes, you can cancel anytime, no strings attached. We understand that diving into advanced essential oil work can sometimes feel overwhelming or push you outside your comfort zone. However, we encourage you to be kind to yourself during the learning process.

Our goal is to make complex ideas easy to navigate and understand. If you ever feel confused or unsure, know that it's part of the journey. Slow down, take your time, and trust that you can do it. We're here to support you every step of the way.

If you decide that The Thriving Aromatherapist isn’t the right fit for you, you have the freedom to cancel your membership at any time. But if you're looking for a deeper understanding of aromatherapy and want to grow your practice, we believe you'll find tremendous value and support within our community.

I haven’t yet finished my certification program, is this a good fit for me?

Absolutely! The Thriving Aromatherapist is an excellent fit for anyone at any stage of an Aromatherapy Certification Program. The additional case study exploration and personalized live events with time for Q&A around oils not studied in ACP make it an ideal complementary community for aspiring Certified Aromatherapists.

If you are not yet enrolled in our Aromahead's Aromatherapy Certification Program, we highly recommend doing so to get even more out of The Thriving Aromatherapist membership experience. The combination of ACP and Thrive will provide you with a comprehensive understanding and advanced insights into essential oils. You would love it!

What if I miss a live event? Will there be recordings available?

Absolutely! We understand that life can be busy and you may not always be able to attend live events. That's why we make all live event replays available to our members. When you join The Thriving Aromatherapist, you gain access to a rich archive of past live event replays and content offerings. This archive is filled with invaluable information and insights, worth hundreds of dollars, ensuring that you can catch up on any event you miss and continue to benefit from the wealth of knowledge shared within our community.

What is the time commitment required for The Thriving Aromatherapist?

The time commitment for The Thriving Aromatherapist is flexible and tailored to your individual journey. Some members might spend 5-10 minutes per week reading each article, while others may immerse themselves more deeply, blending along with the recipes, keeping a personal journal for each oil, and reflecting on every piece of new content. Depending on your personal and professional goals, you could spend anywhere from 5 minutes a week up to 1-2 hours per week. We celebrate and support how you choose to engage with this experience, ensuring it fits seamlessly into your life.

How will this membership help me in my professional aromatherapy practice?

When you really spend time with an essential oil, whether it's new to you or you're gaining even greater familiarity, you'll be amazed at how naturally you'll be drawn to use it. This could be in massage blends, with clients, or for more advanced personal use for yourself or someone in your community. The sky is the limit when you have more confidence and greater knowledge around an oil. The Thriving Aromatherapist membership will enhance your professional practice by deepening your understanding and inspiring you to utilize oils more effectively and creatively.

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