Bergamot Mint Therapy: The Freshness of Mint with a Hint of Spice
"Mint Therapy" is much more than a remedy for muscle and joint pain.
Expand your aromatherapy knowledge with new essential oil and carrier recipes! Here you’ll be able to find our favorite, must-have essential oil recipes that we use in our daily lives. These tried and tested recipes are formulated using Aromahead's proven safety guidelines, so you can be certain that they’re as safe as they are effective. You can use our recipes as you grow in your own essential oil confidence, or use them as a source of inspiration for your own unique blends.
"Mint Therapy" is much more than a remedy for muscle and joint pain.
This blend is designed to bring light to the darker days, promoting emotional balance and a renewed sense of happiness.
Our hands work hard for us, and they deserve some special attention. An aromatic hand scrub is a lovely way to revitalize our skin and boost our mood!
This is where the magic of essential oils comes into play, particularly the fresh, lemony aroma of Citronella Java (Cymbopogon winterianus) with its subtle woody notes.
In this post, we'll delve into the therapeutic wonders of Sitka Spruce oil and guide you in creating a soothing massage oil blend focusing on its efficacy in easing cold season aches and pains and cold symptoms while promoting restful sleep.
Once that threat is removed, our body naturally returns to its homeostatic state, and it can address the viral intruder that snuck in while we were running for our lives.
How amazing would it be to not only create a lovely fragrance but also one that helps to calm and center my nervous system each time I apply it?!
Every challenging day deserves a restful finale, and these oils blend together to help us feel calm, soothed, and rejuvenated.
Our main ingredient is derived from the aromatic riches of the nutmeg tree, giving us Myristica's Soothing Balm, aptly named after the Greek term for 'fragrant and for anointing.'